People of Bondi | Mermaid Lizmania

People of Bondi | Mermaid Lizmania

People of Bondi | Mermaid Lizmania

Local artist “Mermaid Lizmania” (who we see most mornings walking her dog “Tipseatoes”) is a longtime friend of the mermaids. She began “flapping her fins for her sisters’ return” in 1996, but after a tragic accident which “claimed her human foot” she has just recently resurfaced to finish what she once began. Mermaid Lizmania tells us that she intends to “reunite her two mersisters Jan and Lynette to their rocky throne so that they can protect our environment and future seas.” Lizmania’s new website is coming soon, and keep your eyes peeled for a crowd funding drive to return the mermaids.

Bondi History | The Big Rock & Bondi Mermaids

Bondi History | The Big Rock & Bondi Mermaids

It’s a Minion

It’s a Minion